The Green New Deal & Beyond

We should no longer measure our wealth and success in the graph that shows economic growth, but in the curve that shows the emissions of greenhouse gases. - Greta Thunburg

Climate Change is Upon Us

Climate change is the single greatest threat to our way of life. We are facing wildly unpredictable weather, permanent flooding of coastal areas, and the destruction of habitats for many animals. If we do not act quickly and boldly many of the worst effects will be irreversible. Every year we experience record setting temperatures. As the planet gets warmer, the the conditions will get worse.


What is the Green New Deal?

The Green New Deal is a comprehensive outline for tackling the climate emergency quickly. It basically boils down to three main points:

1) We must reach as close to net zero emissions by 2030 as possible.

2) We must protect workers in the process by creating new, good-paying jobs in clean energy.

3) We can use this crisis as an opportunity to build a stronger, more just society.

Quickly Transforming Our Energy System

We need to transition from dirty, climate-warming fossil fuels to new, clean, and renewable sources of energy. This will be no small task in such a short amount of time. For this reason a well implemented Green New Deal must include the nationalization of our energy system. The old non-renewable infrastructure must be scaled down at the same rate that the new renewable infrastructure is constructed. We can not count on the same corporations that have poisoned our planet for years to carry out such important work. Public ownership of our energy system will also allow for the government to create good-paying jobs in the clean energy sector, and will allow for a non-profit model. This would allow us to provide electricity as cheaply as possible to every American.

Investing In Renewable Energy

The core function of the Green New Deal is to transform our energy system for the sake of the environment. For this reason there must be massive public investment into clean energy. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to: solar, wind, and geothermal.

Revolutionizing Transportation

Transportation today is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. As part of a Green New Deal we must strive to transition to sustainable and clean forms of transportation. This includes massive investment into electric cars and trucks, but it must also include widespread public transportation systems. Public transportation is far more efficient than cars. For this reason a well implemented Green New Deal must include buses and bicycle systems in cities, and high-speed rail networks all across America and beyond.

Working Class Rights and a Better Society For All

As we re-imagine our energy system we also have a great opportunity to re-imagine our economic system. There is a lot of work to be done during and after our transition to clean energy. Because of this, we will be able to guarantee a good paying job to every American who needs one or will be displaced by the transition. We can also, as part of our environmental initiative, strive to guarantee clean water and air for every American. In addition to this, we can work to guarantee other necessities to Americans such as healthcare and a decent home.

Remember: Everyone Deserves Better

Where to Start

The first step in convincing someone to support the Green New Deal is defining what stops them from supporting it in the first place. Ask them whether or not they believe in climate change first, and continue asking questions from there. Sometimes it helps if you space you questions out over a period of time rather than grilling them on the subject all at once.

1) If they do not believe in climate change: Introduce them to studies about our changing climate and the effects that it is having on our environment today

2) If they are convinced that private companies will solve the problem on their own: Talk to them about how these same companies are responsible for much of our problems in the first place

3) If they are opposed to the nationalization of energy: Remind them that companies often don't act in the best interests of their customers or their workers (this can also be used for scenario 2)

After They Warm Up to Our Ideas

Begin to introduce them directly to the Green New Deal and related legislation. Suggest they read climate studies themselves. If they are receptive to the above encourage them to get involved by voting for progressive politicians and engaging in activism.

About this Carrd

This is a simple carrd focusing on climate change and the Green New Deal. It was created as a page for my personal Twitter account, but I encourage you to share it with others in hope of spreading awareness about the Green New Deal and the Climate Crisis.

Credit for design inspiration goes to

For corrections or suggestions feel free to DM me on Twitter.

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